Sunday, March 21, 2010

human must be shame because this dog, and i do!

hachiko in his old day

statue of hachiko in Shibuya

loyality is one word that too easy to say but it's hard to do it! nowadays, human mindset are aimed for their own ego and selfishness! but i took the moral message from one movie, that so inspiring and tragical! yes, Hachiko!

Hachi or Hachiko was an Akita Inu type of dog that originated from Odate that can prove how much fidelity of dog to his master! for the true story ( not from film Hachiko, a dog's story ) his master was Hidesaburo Ueno. Before his master died in May 1925, Hachi usually drove him to Sibuya Station and welcomed his master at the end of the day near Shibuya Station. Even his master already died, but hachi still waited for Ueno everyday in the same place. And happened everyday for about 9 years.

Hachi remarkable loyality become role model for many poeple in there to followed. and he died in Shibuya on 1935 because filariasis. And there was a statue of Hachi's image and his legendary faithfulness became a national symbol of loyality.


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